Friday, February 11, 2011

Can I get an Alleluia?

Yes, I know, it's usually an "Amen" but I don't need one of those. And more accurately, I need a Hallelujah. An uptempo, glorious Hallelujah that is in 4 parts. A Glee Hallelujah would be fantastic!

Let's face it, you can't celebrate that He Is Risen with some crappy dirge-like piece of music. And  I don't want to bogart Handel's Messiah's Hallelujah chorus. So, I'm on the hunt! Suggestions are welcome.

Thanks to those who continue to ask about Passion. It really gives me a lift and these days, I am so grateful for that.

My friend Bill, who has the most wonderful insights, emailed me today about the relationship between art and commerce  - oh what a complicated thing that is! Money, in all things, is simply a way to trade things. And in the words of Dolly Levy, "Money, pardon the expression, money is like manure. It's not worth a thing unless it's spread around, encouraging young things to grow." So here's to the money that will arrive to make the vision of Passion a reality! And here's to the people who will send money for the creation of art!

If you wanna know what money means to art, tune in later this week for a list of what exactly your money can do.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Dolly Levi, how I lurve her (and want to play her)!
    "If you have to live from hand to mouth, you better be ambidextrous."

    And isn't it fascinating that we artists have always needed such patrons? Medieval and Renaissance scholars are well aware that writers, painters, and actors almost always needed a wealthy benefactor not just for the funds, but also for protection from the state and other unsavory people. Yet we still carry on -- now that's dedication!


