Thursday, January 27, 2011

Big things sometimes need big packages

In reflecting on comments made regarding Passion in the last few months, here is some of what I recall:

It's too big.
Scale it back..
Pare down.
It's overwhelming.

Given my state of mind these days, if there were positive comments made about the size of the project, they are buried deep within my subconcious and I do not recall them.

Here's the thing: this is a huge project. It was conceived on a huge scale, meant to reach a large amount of people, needs a fairly big cast, will require probably thousands of hours to complete. To quote Jack Lane: She Big!

I've been rereading my Julia Cameron book The Artist's Way, particularly an early chapter about regaining our integrity as artists and how uncomfortable that change can be. She even proposes that as our artist within changes, we might find clothes fitting funny, changes in musical preference occuring and a litany of other concrete, tangible changes. And that as this process happens, we see with more clarity, more fully divine our purpose and find illusions shattered. This explains, at least a bit, what has happened to me. Now I could never fully get a handle on her morning pages, I preferred to call them daily pages - they got done at some point during the day. But as I wrote yesterday, what I need as an artist began coming into focus. Passion came into focus more, and I really thought I had already done a ton of work on it.

She also speaks of abundance and our unlimited supply of it if only we will be present and attentive enough to details to see it. This is how I see Passion. There is an abundance in this work: in the volume of people to reach, in the overreaching arc of the music, in the size venue it should be performed in, in the number of costumes required, etc. I am over thinking that the size of the project is a negative.  It's a load of work, to be sure, and I've already succumbed to the drowning sensation once - I expect that to happen again - and I will pick up and continue. Moving forward. Big is great! Vast is exciting. Overwhelming doesn't have to be negative. While I envision big things, there is a finite end, a cut-off. I am, after all, not God. 

For now, my goal is to reach about 2000 people with Passion. That's totally doable. The Muny seats like 25,000 a night! Would I object to more than 2000? No way. Bring on the abundance!

1 comment:

  1. You already know what I like to say: Go big or go home!

