Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thanks Coops

This morning I met with Dave and Alisa Cooperstein to discuss some of the "Jewish" aspects of Passion. They were so incredibly helpful and confirmed much of what I had researched, and were able to put certain things in context for me. You see, there has never been a moment when I didn't consider Jesus to be a Jew, with a Jewish mother and Jewish friends, following Jewish law. And I wanted those aspects to be visible in the production.

I did much of my initial research about two years ago and quite honestly, have been a little foggy now that I'm back into the script so much. And, I gave some of the books that I was using back to friends (Miriam), so I wouldn't be hanging on to their stuff for, at that point, who knows how long.

I have created an event on Facebook about Passion and I have just figured out how to upload a newly designed Powerpoint presentation by creating jpegs. The event is titled Passion. Clicking right along.

Thanks again Dave and Alisa.


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

New name

My blog didn't disappear, I just changed it to reflect the 2013 production dates. If it's disappeared from any Facebook posts, you can still read all the posts from this new address. Aaannnnndddd, if you become a follower, my posts will come right to you. But you prolly have to create an account with a username and password and that, my friends, is a drag. So, you can continue to read like this or visit my FB timeline.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Busy Bee

Well, I have been a busy bee! Now that I am out of production as a nun in The Sound of Music, I can really dig into Passion. So here's what I've been up to...

As many or some of you might know, the stories in the gospels are from the oral tradition, meaning certain high points were hit again and again in the telling of the story and that's kinda how it comes out in the written form - circular. I get it, and they wanted to be sure you got it. But in trying to make a play where it sounds as if people are having conversations with other people, you can see how this might get a little cray-cray. So, I have been methodically going through the Last Supper scene in particular, trying to edit down the "this is what I say," "now I'm saying it like this," and let me repeat what I said before," text. All the while making sure I have kept the nugget of truth and wisdom that was being taught. Yeah, about three hours of that on Monday.

Annnd, I might have been holding on a little too tightly to my Alleluia/Hallelujah vision for when Jesus has risen. So I typed just that into google - He is risen - and I have something that 1) gets right to the point and 2) will have the sort of energy and joy that I'm looking for. Mind you, it's a fairly horrible arrangement and I am cherry-picking the verse, among other things, but every moment I feel more confident about the choice and more excited about the possibilities of the new arrangement and how it will bring about the resolution of the show.

B. I got to spend a lovely evening with my favorite couple in Rolla (whilst also checking up on my son) and when John Beger asked me about Passion, I think I talked for 45 minutes straight. I'm sure he had no idea I was going to launch into my presentation but as I was explaining it to him, I kept going, "Oh, and we are recreating sacred art like DaVinci's Last Supper and the Pieta. And let me tell you about the projections. Whoops! Can't forget about the music. Blah, blah, blah on and on!"

Next, I have been emailing peeps about costumes, set, music direction, being a consultant on Jewish customs. And people have been answering me!! Is it all yesses? No. But the no generally comes with regret that they can't help me but excitement for the project. And that's awesome!!

Because the big news really, is that I have put a down payment on the space so you know it's happening. I have talk, talk, talked for years about this but now, the check has been written and I am moving forward at what seems like a breakneck pace. Amazing, how having years to consider and reconsider various aspects, I can say I need this, that and the other and/or, no that won't work for what I envision. It seems like a piece of cake.

Up next is gathering my team of designers who can make Passion come to fruition. The space at Chaminade is a top-of-the-line, we-can-doing anything-here, blackbox which is exciting in and of itself. Plus, they're letting me have the donkey and a big sign out on Lindbergh. Whoo-hoo!!

Exciting, right? And you, too, can be a part of this project. Let me tell YOU all about it. Send me an email or FB message and we'll get together. Toodles!!


Monday, August 13, 2012

Details, details, details

Beginning September 1, the pre-production of Passion officially starts. I am familiarizing myself with Constant Contacts so I can imput the thousands of emails I've gotten. I am oh-so-close to finalizing the alleluia at the end of the show. I have found someone to play the role of Jesus and hopefully have my Peter too. I am putting the downpayment down on the space at the Skip Viragh Center. I'm sending out the email to someone who said I could use their costumes. I've made initial contact with someone I hope will design the set and that pesky crucifix that I want to be raised from the floor.

There are a couple things I could use help with, if you're so inclined. I need a contact for someone with a donkey. Jesus must ride in on a donkey. So if you know someone with a petting zoo or someone who has a farm with a donkey that can be ridden for a short distance, c-c-c-call me!

I have a cabaret I would like to do as a fundraiser for Passion. I need a space with a piano.

It is looking like Passion will be produced under the auspices of Spotlight Theatre, which is a not-for-profit 501c(3) so all donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Feel free to donate generously.

Oh, and I'm praying for the Holy Spirit to infuse me with some design creativity for the mailers and such. I'm a little lame in that area.

That's all for now.