Wednesday, March 16, 2011


So Matt, my husband, bought me a cd set about how the gospels were written. I've come across lots of info on this particular subject, (the timeline, the friend of a friend of a freind said/wrote, whose was written first, who borrowed from whom for their gospel) but I am excited to listen to a biblical scholar as I road trip to Rolla this summer. Oral histories are always hard to pin down and it amazes me that there is still so much research going on regarding these books. Yes, they are THAT important.

About two weeks ago the gospel was about laying our worry aside, that God would see to us and our abundance just as he takes care of the birds in the sky, and we rate higher than them. This is a major task for me but one where I have been finding small successes. As we head into Easter season again, and use the next 33 days for preparation, I am keeping my eyes and ears open for the Holy Spirit to show me the way for Passion. I have an entire year - Jesus only had three years in his ministry. Surely, I can figure out one production in that time.

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