Sunday, September 30, 2012

minor setback

I have talked a lot about those databases my son and I did nearly two years ago. Well, apparently, I quite romanticized them in my mind and that has led to the minor setback, hence, the title of this post.

The databases, of thousands of church organizations in the St. Louis area, are quite extensive with names, addresses, city, state, website and such, but no email addresses. I worked on these before, as did my son, and thought I really knocked out a bunch. That's where the romanticized part comes in - I have waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy less emails than I thought. It's not a major catastrophe, I just need to make around 1500 phone calls. Seriously.

But here's the thing that flabbergasts me: so many of these organizations do not have websites, if they do, often do not post emails for their staff OR, they have one of those forms you have to fill out so you have no idea what the email actually is. (That's the one that aggravates me the most!) You can hunt for them on the internet but I know it will generally take 1 minute to call the church and ask for the contact email. My first bit of stickiness is that I have a 1500 minute family plan with all my kids. Usually, there are no more than 400 minutes used, most of them by me - the one person who likes to talk to people, not just text them. Mkay, if my phone company charges me a minute for each call, I'm going to hit my family limit in about 5 days and you know I don't want to pay $$$$$$ for the extra minutes.

So, I'm going to be tied to a land line for the next couple of days, probably at my mothers. It's all good though. My first newsletter is ready to send I am jazzed!

Good news from this last week:
1. My crown of thorns is ready and looks super-awesome.
2, I found a cache of costumes that will be perfect.
3. First press release goes out this week.
4. I have conquered Constant Contacts, Paypal, and a Facebook page.

If you need me this week, I'll be on the phone.

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