Monday, January 3, 2011

Game On

Today is the first Monday of the New Year and lots of things are going to be moving and shaking!

This week I will finalize the venue for Passion. I will make appointments with Fr. Dolan and the rabbi (consultants) to get all the information I need about the Last Supper meal and then make the artistic decision that supplies the most drama. I will CAST the show and hopefully will be adding two people who've trained with SATE before! I will contact Tim Townsend at the STL Post-Dispatch and get a story about the play.

I have already:  written Judas' monologue, reworked the Last Supper once, composed a letter to friends to help get the word out and created this blog to link to SATE's Facebook page!

The spirit is working through me to keep me motivated and moving forward with this project. Stay tuned for breaking developments!

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! You are damn motivated, woman, and I haven't even unpacked from my trip yet.
    I saw a book in Powell's Bookstore called Passion Play and I quickly picked it up, hoping for another version of THE Passion Play, but no luck. :-(
