Tuesday, January 4, 2011

who's talking to who?

Slight snafu with the real estate agent yesterday. I called her to find out if she'd spoken with the Pastor at the church and she thought I already had. Misunderstanding on my part! They are not doing this for a comminssion though so she's not very motivated. But the phone number she gave me doesn't seem to be working and that concerns me. Hmmmmm.

Looking for the music I bought at Shattingers - Agnus Dei, One Ever Hangs. It's been put SOMEWHERE in the holiday clean-up. Thank goodness the hub never actually throws anything away. He just stacks.

Got out my email and fb letters yesterday. Having 2 meetings about passion. Saturday 1/8 at 10am and Wednesday 1/12 at 7:30. Can you make it?

I decided that I am going to write my high school (Bishop DuBourg) and college (Fontbonne University) alumni programs and alert them to Passion. That's right - Catholic schools for me all the way through my Bachelors degree. New ideas are coming all the time - now I just need time to implement them all. Anyone want to do group sales?


  1. I'll post a Facebook status about the piece and this blog. Continue to ask for help and volunteers too, wherever and whenever you can.

  2. "Thank goodness the hub never actually throws anything away. He just stacks." Hahaha! Sounds like he cleans the way I do. ;-)
